Monday, March 1, 2021

Blog #5

Freedom of expression and quality journalism

 The 8 Values of Free Expression

1. Market place of ideas

2. Participation in self government

3. Stable change

4. Individual self fulfillment

5. Check on governmental power

6. Promote tolerance

7. Promote inovation

8. Protect dissent 

Within the eight Values of Free Expression they all represent different ways we live everyday. The value that stood out to me was number three stable change. Life is changing everyday and people are changing everyday. It remains constant but change is normal. The environment and society is undergoing change everyday. 

After looking over what Madison has said about the 8 Values of Free Expression, I strongly agree with what he is saying. “The people shall not be deprived or abridged of their right to speak, to write, or to publish their sentiments; and the freedom of the press, as one of the great bulwarks of liberty, shall be inviolable.” This is a quote from Madison himself about how he feels about these values. 

Everyone should be to speak there mind and say how they feel. Personally in my opinion I think it is wrong to throw someone in jail for stating how they feel. There are things in life that we just know we shouldn't say. For example: racial slurs are extremely disrespectful and uncalled for. But thats a reflection on the person speaking not the person being discriminated against. People who use racial slurs on the regular will have trouble finding a career and it will stay with them forever. I have personally witnessed some girl get removed from a club because she was being racist. Once you say something like that it manages to stay with you forever. That is why understanding the first amendment is super important. Saying things out of context shouldn't cause you to get a legal punishment. But, it will remain in your life for a period of time. 

There are so many different views on the Eight Values of Free Expression. And that is ok. But this should not cause violence amongst people because everyone is entitled to there own opinion. “from discussing and proposing abstract propositions, of which the judgment may not be convinced. I venture to say, that if we confine ourselves to an enumeration of simple, acknowledged principles, the ratification will meet with but little difficulty.” This is another quote from Madison that discusses how the First Amendment wasn't made to start controversy.

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