Monday, March 1, 2021

Blog #6

 The History of the iPhone

The first iPhone came out in 2007 and was invented by the one and only Steve Jobs. The iPhone was the first smartphone to come out that was not half keyboard half screen. This phone was a full touch screen phone. This phone came with an iPod feature, camera, web browsing, and other unique features no other smartphone at the time had. But the first iPhone did not come with an app store. The first iPhone was called “revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone.” People were lined up outside waiting to purchase this phone. By November of 2007 1.4 million iPhones were sold. The iPhone helped turn Apple in the right direction when it came to making money.

Image result for apple iphone timeline
Ever since the first iPhone was sold iPhones became more high tech, bigger, thiner, and overall just better. It is interesting to see for myself who has had multiple different iPhones in the past how each one gets better and better every time I purchase a new one. Every app has gotten so many new features and the phone never fails to impress people all over the world. The newest iPhone now has amazing camera quality with three lenses on the back of the phone it is a little thicker then the rest as well. Another crazy transition iPhone has made is they went from typing in a password to touch ID to facial recognition. This is a huge upgrade for they company. Overall the iPhone gets easier and easier to use everyday. 

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