Monday, May 3, 2021

Final Blog

 Our Relationship with technology 

10 uses of technology that made it a part of everyday work - Education  Today News

My generation has been using technology ever since they started school Of course it wasn't as advanced as it is today but as a child I grew up with having technology at my fingertips. Nowadays, technology is taking over everything. I work at a preschool with children ages infant through five years old. It's crazy to say that these children are given iPad time starting at age two. This type of stuff can affect the way a person acts forever. Giving children the opportunity to play with technology such as tablets at such a young age is going to make them reliant on technology. I feel like I am pretty obsessed with being on my phone. I was given my first phone in third grade solely because my mom wanted me to contact her when I needed to be picked up from my competitive dance classes. As times went on and phones got more advanced I got my first smartphone which was an iPhone in 6th grade. I always had an iPod touch before this that I never wanted to put down. Now at age 21 I always have my phone in my hand and I sometimes can never get off of it. 

Would I call my relationship with technology healthy? Honestly it really depends on the moment. There are times that my relationship with technology can be extremely beneficial. Technology is the route to all my school work. During the corona virus outbreak we relied on zoom and our computers when we couldn't attend in person classes. At that point in time without technology I am not sure how we would attend school. Even without the pandemic the computer and the internet allow me to be creative and research different information for school. In this scenario I would say I have a healthy relationship when it comes to my academics and technology. Then, there are times where I lay in bed and sit on my phone hours on end scrolling through TikTok. This is when I have an unhealthy relationship with technology. I obsess over being on my phone and I get addicted to scrolling through social media. I think technology consumes a lot of my time and that is a huge issue. Once I start online shopping or browsing on social media I cannot stop. Technology takes up an absurd amount of time in my everyday life. Sometimes I consider going off the grid and just shutting off my phone for a few days because of how often I am on it. Sometimes especially when on the internet I question whether the information I am reading is true. There are so many websites with inaccurate information and I never know what's true or not. I do worry about this because the world we live in is so corrupt and it is scary to think that anything can be posted anywhere. 

When it comes to my friends and family I think the positive effect of technology is communication purposes. There are so many different ways to communicate like through text, call, and everyone's favorite facetime. This is super beneficial for long distance friends or family members that we don't get to see too often. On the other side of the fence, technology sometimes interrupts in person communication. For example my entire family will be out to eat and half the table will be distracted on their phones and not pay any attention to the family. Same thing goes when hanging out with friends, it's very common for us to lay in bed on our phones scrolling through social media rather than talking to each other. Technology in this aspect is ruining our in person communication skills. We are reliant on talking through a screen that when it comes to being in a group setting we are losing our ability to interact. 

The online world especially when it comes to social media can also cause so many people to feel depressed and anxious. Seeing images of people you wish you looked like or seeing videos of people at parties you wish you were invited to can leave a negative impact on mental health. FOMO has caused so many people to check social media more than they would on average just to see what's going on at the event they weren't invited too. 

I currently use social media a lot. I've learned how important it is to keep my socials appropriate and clean because future employers will be looking. My online footprint reflects truly who I am as a person. It shows the highs of my life and the things in life that I love. My online presence is pretty big. I like to keep an up to date profile of my life online. The first thing that comes up when I google myself is my linkedIn. This is very beneficial for my future employers so they can see what I do and what my LinkedIn profile looks like. My old Facebook profile pictures also pop up on google images. I really don't think these impact my online footprint because there is nothing wrong with them and they can't cause anyone to think differently of me. 

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Final Blog

 Our Relationship with technology  My generation has been using technology ever since they started school Of course it wasn't as advance...