Monday, May 3, 2021

Final Blog

 Our Relationship with technology 

10 uses of technology that made it a part of everyday work - Education  Today News

My generation has been using technology ever since they started school Of course it wasn't as advanced as it is today but as a child I grew up with having technology at my fingertips. Nowadays, technology is taking over everything. I work at a preschool with children ages infant through five years old. It's crazy to say that these children are given iPad time starting at age two. This type of stuff can affect the way a person acts forever. Giving children the opportunity to play with technology such as tablets at such a young age is going to make them reliant on technology. I feel like I am pretty obsessed with being on my phone. I was given my first phone in third grade solely because my mom wanted me to contact her when I needed to be picked up from my competitive dance classes. As times went on and phones got more advanced I got my first smartphone which was an iPhone in 6th grade. I always had an iPod touch before this that I never wanted to put down. Now at age 21 I always have my phone in my hand and I sometimes can never get off of it. 

Would I call my relationship with technology healthy? Honestly it really depends on the moment. There are times that my relationship with technology can be extremely beneficial. Technology is the route to all my school work. During the corona virus outbreak we relied on zoom and our computers when we couldn't attend in person classes. At that point in time without technology I am not sure how we would attend school. Even without the pandemic the computer and the internet allow me to be creative and research different information for school. In this scenario I would say I have a healthy relationship when it comes to my academics and technology. Then, there are times where I lay in bed and sit on my phone hours on end scrolling through TikTok. This is when I have an unhealthy relationship with technology. I obsess over being on my phone and I get addicted to scrolling through social media. I think technology consumes a lot of my time and that is a huge issue. Once I start online shopping or browsing on social media I cannot stop. Technology takes up an absurd amount of time in my everyday life. Sometimes I consider going off the grid and just shutting off my phone for a few days because of how often I am on it. Sometimes especially when on the internet I question whether the information I am reading is true. There are so many websites with inaccurate information and I never know what's true or not. I do worry about this because the world we live in is so corrupt and it is scary to think that anything can be posted anywhere. 

When it comes to my friends and family I think the positive effect of technology is communication purposes. There are so many different ways to communicate like through text, call, and everyone's favorite facetime. This is super beneficial for long distance friends or family members that we don't get to see too often. On the other side of the fence, technology sometimes interrupts in person communication. For example my entire family will be out to eat and half the table will be distracted on their phones and not pay any attention to the family. Same thing goes when hanging out with friends, it's very common for us to lay in bed on our phones scrolling through social media rather than talking to each other. Technology in this aspect is ruining our in person communication skills. We are reliant on talking through a screen that when it comes to being in a group setting we are losing our ability to interact. 

The online world especially when it comes to social media can also cause so many people to feel depressed and anxious. Seeing images of people you wish you looked like or seeing videos of people at parties you wish you were invited to can leave a negative impact on mental health. FOMO has caused so many people to check social media more than they would on average just to see what's going on at the event they weren't invited too. 

I currently use social media a lot. I've learned how important it is to keep my socials appropriate and clean because future employers will be looking. My online footprint reflects truly who I am as a person. It shows the highs of my life and the things in life that I love. My online presence is pretty big. I like to keep an up to date profile of my life online. The first thing that comes up when I google myself is my linkedIn. This is very beneficial for my future employers so they can see what I do and what my LinkedIn profile looks like. My old Facebook profile pictures also pop up on google images. I really don't think these impact my online footprint because there is nothing wrong with them and they can't cause anyone to think differently of me. 

Sunday, May 2, 2021


Internet Privacy

Little do we know the internet like we know it is stealing all our information. We trust sites like Facebook and give all of our information but do we actually know where our information is going. We see advertisements for items we have been texting about or even just talking about and we wonder how the internet got this information. It is said that the internet is an electronic tattoo.  There is a company online called that has millions of peoples faces recognized from social media and the internet. This company was taken over by Facebook. Once something is posted on the internet its never gone even if it is "deleted" The internet is such a corrupt place that takes your personal information and does whatever it can with it. With features like face id and touch id our phones store our finger print and facial recognition and we have no idea where its going.  We also type our credit card numbers into different online stores everyday. Theres always an option to have your credit card information saved on the website. That means your computer and that stores has your card on file and can do whatever they want with it. Another thing that we would never know is that cell towers have cell tower dumps where it shows who has been using one or more cell tower at a time. There are so many times where we don't realize how the internet can be a not so safe place. We need to be cautious about what we want to post and publish online. What Is Internet Privacy & Why It Matters so much in 2021? - PureVPN Blog


 False Information 

Media Consolidation

Media Consolidation is the concentration of media ownership. News sources are falling in to the hands of less and less companies. This is when one company takes over multiple different companies. This is very unfortunate because fewer individuals or organizations are control increasing shares of mass media. Giant corporations own more and more of our news media everyday because of media consolidation. So many people everyday are losing there jobs because of media consolidation. Im the 1970s the US government tried to save media diversity and prevent media consolidation from happening. They put rules in place where corporations are discouraged from owning to manny newspapers or television stations. Now since we get our news online there is still media consolidation today. In 2016 five huge companies owned 37% of local television stations. Media consolidation is cutting journalists from there  jobs and gutting newsrooms across the nation. The FCC has not done anything to expand media consolidation and ownership.  Companies like Comcast are being affected so bad that they would rather spend billions of dollars to kill off there competition then enhance and build their networks. In the media industry there is a state of oligopoly or monopoly. 

In 1983, 90% of American media was owned by 50 companies. There are six media giants controlling 90% of what we read, watch, and listen too. GE, News Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS have taken over so many different companies. This consolidation of ownership and power in media and removes vital elements from the marketplace. The entertainment industry gets extremely hurt due to media consolidation. 232 media executives control the information diet of 277 million Americans. That is 1 media executive to 850,000 subscribers.  The consolidation of mainstream American media is a tragedy for this country. We used to get angry about how less then a hundred companies owned a lot of what we read and listen too. Now hat number decreased to under ten which is a huge problem for all media companies. Even the newspapers we read are part of some national chain. The local news channels are now owned by giant corporations who's uses those channels as a product of revenue. Also the radio we listen to is manipulated by multiple companies who tweak every tune before it is played. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Blog #7



Rogers Diffusion of Innovation Theory explains how new inventions and technology grow. This is one of the oldest social science theories. New ideas start attracting early adaptors and they start to spread the product out to multiple different people. Some people adapt more to innovation then others. The first part of Rogers Diffusion of Innovation is Innovators these are the people that are the most excited about innovation. They are the risk takers. The second part is the early adaptors, these are the opinion leaders. They are very comfortable adapting to new ideas. The third part is early majority, these people need evidence that the innovation works before they can adapt to it. The fourth part is late majority, these people will only adapt to change and innovation after the majority has tested it. The last part is laggards, these people are very conservative and they tend to be the hardest group to bring on board new innovation.

                                                            Amazon Echo Dot (3rd Gen) - Smart Speaker with Alexa - Charcoal in the  Smart Hubs department at

One product that grabbed the attention of many as soon as it came out on the shelves was Amazon Alexa. Alexa is a product where basically you talk to it and tell it what to do and it will complete your command. For example, you can say alexa play a song and it will play which ever song you want. So many people became early adaptors to this product because there wasn't any product like this. There also are people who waited to see how dependable this product was before running to the store to buy it. There were also those people who thought this invention wasn't worth there time or money. 

I personally have no yet purchased any type of Amazon Alexa. I feel as though its just not necessary and all the features that it has are simply just not worth it. I think this investment would be good for families I just don't find a need why I would need it for myself 

Monday, March 1, 2021




 History of the Google

Google was founded in 1995 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They discovered google at Stanford University. At first Google was called Backrub. They changed the name to google which was supposed to be a play on a mathematical expression. In August of 1998 Andy Bechtolsheim wrote a check for $100,000 and soon after that google was up and running. The first Google doodle was made from legos and that was in 1998. In 2004 the company raised 1.66 billion dollars. 

Google has grew so much through out the years. It now makes products for so many people all around the world. In 2006 google apps and chrome came out. The first programs were google calendar, google talk, and google page creator. Shortly after apps like google docs, sheets and slides were created. Google has its own email server and so many other attachments that are used today by endless amounts of people. With out google people would be lost. Everyday this search engine is used for a variety of different things. 

Blog #6

 The History of the iPhone

The first iPhone came out in 2007 and was invented by the one and only Steve Jobs. The iPhone was the first smartphone to come out that was not half keyboard half screen. This phone was a full touch screen phone. This phone came with an iPod feature, camera, web browsing, and other unique features no other smartphone at the time had. But the first iPhone did not come with an app store. The first iPhone was called “revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone.” People were lined up outside waiting to purchase this phone. By November of 2007 1.4 million iPhones were sold. The iPhone helped turn Apple in the right direction when it came to making money.

Image result for apple iphone timeline
Ever since the first iPhone was sold iPhones became more high tech, bigger, thiner, and overall just better. It is interesting to see for myself who has had multiple different iPhones in the past how each one gets better and better every time I purchase a new one. Every app has gotten so many new features and the phone never fails to impress people all over the world. The newest iPhone now has amazing camera quality with three lenses on the back of the phone it is a little thicker then the rest as well. Another crazy transition iPhone has made is they went from typing in a password to touch ID to facial recognition. This is a huge upgrade for they company. Overall the iPhone gets easier and easier to use everyday. 

Blog #5

Freedom of expression and quality journalism

 The 8 Values of Free Expression

1. Market place of ideas

2. Participation in self government

3. Stable change

4. Individual self fulfillment

5. Check on governmental power

6. Promote tolerance

7. Promote inovation

8. Protect dissent 

Within the eight Values of Free Expression they all represent different ways we live everyday. The value that stood out to me was number three stable change. Life is changing everyday and people are changing everyday. It remains constant but change is normal. The environment and society is undergoing change everyday. 

After looking over what Madison has said about the 8 Values of Free Expression, I strongly agree with what he is saying. “The people shall not be deprived or abridged of their right to speak, to write, or to publish their sentiments; and the freedom of the press, as one of the great bulwarks of liberty, shall be inviolable.” This is a quote from Madison himself about how he feels about these values. 

Everyone should be to speak there mind and say how they feel. Personally in my opinion I think it is wrong to throw someone in jail for stating how they feel. There are things in life that we just know we shouldn't say. For example: racial slurs are extremely disrespectful and uncalled for. But thats a reflection on the person speaking not the person being discriminated against. People who use racial slurs on the regular will have trouble finding a career and it will stay with them forever. I have personally witnessed some girl get removed from a club because she was being racist. Once you say something like that it manages to stay with you forever. That is why understanding the first amendment is super important. Saying things out of context shouldn't cause you to get a legal punishment. But, it will remain in your life for a period of time. 

There are so many different views on the Eight Values of Free Expression. And that is ok. But this should not cause violence amongst people because everyone is entitled to there own opinion. “from discussing and proposing abstract propositions, of which the judgment may not be convinced. I venture to say, that if we confine ourselves to an enumeration of simple, acknowledged principles, the ratification will meet with but little difficulty.” This is another quote from Madison that discusses how the First Amendment wasn't made to start controversy.

Final Blog

 Our Relationship with technology  My generation has been using technology ever since they started school Of course it wasn't as advance...