Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Blog Post #2

 The supreme court of the United States remains the most powerful body of government. There are a total of one hundred supreme court justices's. They are elected by each president of the United States. The is a confirmation process when electing the supreme court and it is extremely important. There job is to tell the president and all the different states what they can and cannot do. One thing that was said in the video was that congress had no rule to ban slavery. The 14th amendment was known as "the second bill of rights". It was a common misconception of what the statement "we the people stood for. "We the people" stands for everyone. To ensure that everyone knows that they are included. Every time there is a new cases opened the justices meet usually once a week to discuss.  The legislature talks about the issues going on within the government. They are not allowed to promote these issues to the public. After giving your argument to the supreme court three points go through your head. First the argument you planed to give, second the argument you gave and third the argument you wish you gave. The power of the court is the power of the trust earned. 

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